Wednesday, 7 December 2011


so today I am so mad because this journalist called the Kenyan youth lost alcoholics who had no interest in culture, art or reading. Then the government can't pay doctors coz they are too busy buying themselves chairs that cost 400,000 shillings each. My poem has nothing to do with the above topics but it is an expression of my interests in poetry so in a sense I am making a point here. There productive young Kenyans whose work needs to be respected. So that quack who writes nonsense about us can go jump off a tree in slow motion.Happy reading:)

My conscious mind,
Where memories lie,
Speak of times behind,
Me they lie,
Speak of times no longer I find,
So easily they fly.

Memories they call them,
So fond they are of them.

They perform an ensemble,
Together; maestros,
With every entry of nostalgic title,
Together; epochs,
That capture moments so vital,
Moments so futile,

Kavosa Assava

Monday, 5 December 2011

I saw her running

been away for while, maybe because I had nothing new but I'm BACK!! When I'm stuck in writing I do these short poems of things I have seen that make me think how life is different for each person,,,,,,happy reading:)

I saw her running,
She ran like the child,
Head to the skies,
In hope... with hopes.

So mundane a child,
So trusting she is of earth,
So unmoved by its wild,
So untouched by its lies.

We are so different,
Me and her,
So trustworthy of earth,
It will only hurt her,
To be so trustworthy.

Kavosa Assava